7 Points To Study A medical Subject Without Forgetting  

7 Points To Study A medical Subject Without Forgetting   

1. Find a quiet place to study where you won't be interrupted.

1. Find a quiet place to study where you won't be interrupted.

2. Set realistic goals for yourself and break down large tasks into smaller ones.

3. Take breaks every hour or so to avoid getting overwhelmed.

3. Take breaks every hour or so to avoid getting overwhelmed.

4. Use a variety of study methods, such as reading, writing, flashcards, and practice tests.

5. Find a study buddy or group to help you stay motivated and on track.

6. Get enough sleep and eat healthy foods to help your brain function at its best.

7. Reward yourself for your accomplishments to keep yourself motivated.

Know The Superpowers Of  Vitamin  B12

Know The Superpowers Of  Vitamin  B12